Decorating The Bike
Types of Decorations Not Allowed on Pedal Tours Giant number ballons for birthdays, giant bunches of ballons that block the drivers view of behind the bike. We have a limit of 4 ballons Giant Penises, we dont care about straws and small versions but we dont need kids asking their parents about it Noise makers, […]
Bachelorette Parties
Bachelorette parties are a huge part of our business! You will have an absolute blast out with your girls on the bike as you cruise around the city. Decorating the bike will make your night be much funner and better when people know you are celebrating. Hanging signs, wearing matching shirts and decorating the bike […]
2 Bike Tours
April 13th was our first 2 bike tour using our new bikes (the new bike wasn’t here in time for the St Patrick’s Day Parade) and it was an absolute blast. There is no better team building event then a pedal tour, one of the reviews captured why a pedal tour is a great mixer […]